Thursday, 12 March 2015


I saw this TED-talk video that said, "We met on a bus. I have to get off at the next bus stop so you have time to tell me just three things about yourself. What do you tell me?"

That really got me thinking. What are the three things that would really define and sum me up as a person? It is so difficult for we spend so little time in introspection and so much time in retrospection. The lady went onto say how we often define ourselves by the bad things that we have overcome. Which is such a pity for we do so many other things, on the daily that are such a better measure of who we are; but we blind ourselves by our hardest of times.

So I took upon this challenge. Everyday I went to bed and woke up with this question "three things"..."three things". And it was so difficult,  for every time those hardships were the things that blinded my vision of "me". And I had to tell myself several times, "I'm better than this; I'm better than things that have scarred me".

It took me several weeks to answer this very simple question. I finally stumbled upon it.

1. Dog lover
2. Fitness enthusiast
3. Fashionista

And these are the truest traits of me.

I am a dog lover. The street dog (Bhola) is the one who greets me when I get back from work, I'll whistle and he'll come running from wherever he was gallivanting. Everytime I go for a morning run, I hope to run into the two golden retrievers at the corner of my house (Butter & Chilli). And every dog I see on my way I whistle at them who promptly look back at me that makes me sport the most natural smile; and of course  curse every dog owner to hell, mostly out of jealousy.

Fitness enthusiast. A (wo)man is truly to be judged by the company she keeps. I somehow got imbibed and enriched with the running culture off late and I've never looked back. In the 2.5 months this year I've already ran more than the totality of last year.

Fashionista. It does help to get fitter to look good in swanky new good clothes. Also, helps you develop a sense of fashion and allows you to sport one.

I am..for I am the only one who can play my part to the dot.