Sunday, 6 January 2019

Looking inward

It's been a while since I last posted anything. Maybe it's the usual excuses (e.g., work has been crazy) or the more usual lies (e.g., nothing much to share), either way, I have been away for a while.

Last year, was spent quite a bit on mind-training. It all started with this random book I picked up at Crossword. Mostly, because it was such a pretty blue, with cherry blossoms on it, and it had a catchy title too, "Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life". And with a title like that, who could resist. We all want a long life that is happy, as well, not just one of the two.

What I really appreciated from the book was this journey that the authors took us readers on. It was never as if they were speaking from a higher plane of knowledge, but as if they too were uncovering these secrets, with us, together.

This book turned out to be my first step in the thousand step journey of self-discovery and awareness. With time, I became increasingly more aware about how we spend so much time building our exteriors, e.g., learning a new language, developing skills to help our job etc. Yet we do so little to decipher our intangibly complex mind.

The world of neurology and psychology, believes that we are still collecting pebbles on the shore of the understanding of the brain, and we do even lesser so to understand just our brain, our mind. Why is there such a lack of awareness to want to know just one-self and more inclination on knowing another person, another skill, another language?

How did we reach satiety with discovering ourselves, if we never even started?

Let me know your thoughts. :)