Sunday, 6 January 2008

Life:A rat race?!!!!

so whats this rush all about?
whats the rush about getting top scores, wahts the rush abt being on top, excelling at the cost of each others blood, and a fight to the end.
whats the race against time,whats the rat race all about...what if i dont want the cheese at the end of the race?
then what???
then whose gonna cough up the expenses for me running insanely after the cheese for my entire life..
as they say ...the sad part about a rat race is that you still are a rat at the end of the race!
As Anton Chekhov quoted in"the bet"..dont remeber the exact words..buit what basically meant was that whats the point in living a life so outrageously and fighting like survival of the fittest!at the end of the day we are all going to die in a fashion no different from that of the rat living in the corner of our house.
but as one of my friend pointed out.."its all looser talk..make the best of things while you still can..just cause you cant improve the way its going to end doesnt mean you spoil whatever's left off it!"
and,for the first time as much as i hate to agree..he actually has a point and i concede defeat openly for the first time in my entire life! :P
so,lets all be optimistic and see the glass half full rather than the other way round!

Long live RocK and RoLL!!!

1 comment:

  1. As someone so rightly said... A short life, and a merry one...
    That's what it's all abt... adrenaline and whizz...
