Sunday, 6 April 2008

Nauseating Nostalgia

Its been one year since I'd met a handful of people whom I used to think as paranormals, whom I used to look up at and think-"THEY ARE THE INVINCIBLES..".

What i meant was that, while I thought everyone around me was getting succumbed to all the ill habits that encompassed us, I thought they'd been there and NOT done that, and was proud of them and used to look up at them and think of them as GOD.

A set of miraculous events and I came to know them and knew, they aren't paranormals, they are just as human as anyone around me. But that didn't kill my fetish for being in company of my supposed GODs.

The more I came to know them, the more I got startled as to how different they are, how beautiful a heart they bear, how amiable their nature actually is, how easily one can talk to them about anything under the sun...And this article will never do justice to the reasons.

Today on a very lazy Saturday afternoon , when I went bungee reading on one of these "INVINCIBLES" blogs, I realized how much I actually correlate with these people.
I have never spent much time with these odd set of folks but somehow they bring along a sense of belong-ingness (is that even a word?if not, pardon me.).
When I read their blogs I can imagine them reading it out to me, doing whatever they claimed on their articles, or hell! even idly sitting in their rooms in the middle of a cold rainy night and typing out an article cause they cant put themselves off to sleep.

A lot of folks of this cult is worth being treasured forever and for always(silver surfer), some are better to be done away with (change is inevitable, except from a vending machine), some just worth a great laugh (everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege), some to look up to..more like as GOD cause you know you can look up to them and they will never look down at you!

DEAR INVINCIBLES...kudos to you, you have been better than the max cult of people I've met in my life or I will ever meet.