"OK people...Nupur started it..Yang helped & I completed it so NOW comment,
He was a BOY
she was a GIRL
rest all of 'em were GAYS.
He was a fuck, she added to it
wt more can i say.
He wanted her; she’d never tell
secretly she liked other girls as well.
But all of her friends stuck up their nose
they had a prob with him wearing pantyhose.
He wore a pantyhose & she wore boxer shorts,
both of them had a prob with fitting in it.
Five years from now, she sits at home
feeding the baby
she's all alone.
She turns on TV;
guess wt she sees,
boxer shorts rocking up FTV.
She calls up her friends, they already know
and they've all got tickets to see this launch.
She tags along and stands in the crowd,
looks up at the shorts she tried2fit in right..
He wore a pantyhose n she wore boxer shorts
they weren't good enough for them.
NOW its on d ramp an idea she started
blame your pretty friends what they did!!!
Sorry girl but you missed out
well tough luck those shorts are copyrighted now
it more than fits me fine
i hop it sure does rhyme.
Too bad that you couldn't see
see wt lovely shorts they could be.
There is more than what meets the eye
I see the idea that rocks deep inside.
He wore a pantyhose & she wore boxer shorts
can i make it anymore obvious?!!
We r in business haven't you heard
how we are rocking the fashion world.
He wanted her, she’d never tell
secretly she liked other girls as well
now they are on, doing it on TV
And they r making quite some mone-y.
About what to do in a pantyhose!
Well I really tried people...lets c wt d critics ought2say about all this!"
eagerly awaiting the audio version
ReplyDeletesinger required..u game????