Sunday, 5 April 2009

The Vicious circle.!!!!

A very ordinary day..exam time..full pressure..full work load..!
One day just before the exam I could not find my calculator, so off I went to the next door room, and and borrowed a calculator from the girl next door...!
There I went off for the examination, a "BUUUUUURNN..!!!!" paper, and I dashed out of the hall leaving my borrowed calculator back at the hall itself.!
So I lost a calculator that didn't belong to me, so I went and apologized to her, and promised to replace her calculator, and I went into hiding, not because I didn't want to, but I just thought that I'd go home and buy it once the winter holidays started (cause then I'm not spending my pocket money over it). Off to home I went...
The day I was supposed to come back to Ranchi, I went out and bought a calculator, and kept it in the room I kept everything I was supposed to pack.
Some how, I managed to not pack her calculator and come along. So there I was scurrying away whenever I caught a glimpse of her. But soon the cat caught up with the rat, and she interrogated me about the status of her much claimed to be replaced calculator, and I couldn't run away from the scene faster.
One day, she came to my room and said she needed the calculator the very next day for her, me running a cash crunch, could not manage for a new calculator the very other day. So I went hunting for a calculator, I couldn't find anybody who didn't need a calculator, finally I got one from a junior a rather sucky one as a last minute alternative. Then I got my new neighbour's calculator and handed it off to her. Then ended up running away from two people and now my neighbour's on my tail, haunting my room, leaving behind notes on my door etc. etc.
So finally, when I got the money today I went off and bought a calculator, and gave the calculator to my old neighbour took the new neighbour's calculator and gave it to my old neighbour and ended the vicious circle and boy does it feel great to be off the hook!