Thursday, 1 April 2010

Stupidity: Not passée but In Vogue!

Stupidity is commonly interpreted as lack of intelligence, understanding or maturity.
As kids, the word "Stupid" was treated with same hostility from our parents like we used a f---aar worse word, if you catch my drift. Although, soon enough we acted so stupid that our parents were forced to utter these very unholy words and chide us with a common and much heard, "Stop acting so stupid..get serious... deal with your life and don't act like an ostrich!" So commonly heard, that it is almost a cliché  now.  We were incessantly told not to act stupid and the harder we tried the stupider we got. Sometimes we didn't even realise that we are acting stupid, to an extent that stupidity got incorporated into acting polite.

For example, today when I got back home with a huge amount of food supplies peeping out of my bag; my flatmate politely asked, "You went grocery shopping?" , I nodded yes; we smiled and parted ways. It was without a doubt,very clear to her that I had gone shopping, but stupidity prevails. If I were in her situation I would say the same thing!
Someone colours their hair and when they look at you with a look of "praise me", you say-"Coloured your hair?", she says "Yes!" and somehow amidst this, a thought gets passed that you were praising them, I don't know how that works out; but it does!

We were taught to be polite; but in today's world, with oh! So many morons floating about, it is almost impossible. While some are naturally stupid, others just abuse the privilege. We try to fill the gap and the best we can come up with is, stupidity.

I would say, being stupid is the new being polite.

I rest my case, sire!